Sunday, March 3, 2013

Just Random

Just posting a few little tid-bits of our lives…

One of my favorite bath time shots

McCall got a play kitchen for Christmas and the kids couldn't wait to help Dad put them together!

McCall was a regular carpenter

A little measuring...

… a little hammering
(I guess I didn't take a picture of the final product, but I'm sure it will be featured in future posts)

Playing with her "pretties" (any type of jewelry, hair accessory, etc.)

Not great smiles, but cute cougar outfits for the basketball game!
(even better when you can sport them in Grandpa's office chair!)

Making marshmallow popcorn with Mom
(They thought the electric popper was pretty neat. McCall kept yelling, "Mom, popping and popping!"

Family picture at the Cougar game

Loving the pigtails

She loves reading

He loves reading

Cade's first attempt at watercolors

This is the most organized, child's watercolor I've ever seen. I'm sure it tells you a little bit about his personality!

McCall will color longer than any other activity


  1. Yeah for another update! I just love seeing pictures of your kids, I miss them, I love them, and think they are so cute!

  2. Agreed!!! Let's keep these updates going!
