Monday, April 29, 2013

A Little Big

Our little boy is getting bigger and started preschool a few weeks ago! (It's kind of an odd time of year to start, but we'd been on a waiting list and they opened an additional class to accommodate.) He wasn't sure about it when I dropped him off, but when I picked him him up he didn't want to leave! It's been really good for him and fun to watch him be a "big boy."

So cute

Mr. Silly Face

And this little girl is just happy to play all day!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spreading the Love

It's been a while since I've made sugar cookies, so I was determined to at least make some for Valentines Day because, well, they just go together right? I think we all had fun in our own little way.

Cade was just happy to be a helper, who of course, did things on his own.

Brett was a trooper

Everything must get covered in flour, including one's self.

McCall was just happy to do her own thing while looking the part.

Sweet satisfaction

The workstation 

Cade's final product.
(P.S. I was there, but left the one picture of myself out because
 I was the only one still in  my pajamas that morning. On second thought, I think that's how it plays out every morning! Maybe one of these days I'll get ready BEFORE everyone else!)
Happy Valentines Day!