Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Cade!

Our little boy is getting bigger (as he often reminds us), and there was no question as to who he wanted 'parked' on top of his birthday cake this year…Lightning McQueen, of course! It's really probably the only thing he thinks of besides eating and playing sports. He had his eye on a Lightning McQueen cake that is on a big poster in Wal-Mart's bakery, so I was worried that he might be disappointed with my homemade version, but he didn't seem to mind one bit! It was pretty fun to make too. Happy Birthday Cade!

Brett was pretty excited to give him a Louisville Slugger baseball bat

What kid doesn't love opening birthday presents

McCall was, of course, in the middle of all the action

Another one of Cade's love - OREO'S! And these were even the limited birthday edition!

Loving his cake

Great action shot

A big bike for a big kid (and McCall didn't waste any time "helping" him learn)

A few of his birthday party goodies

This year was his first "friends" party, and he wasn't really sure of what to expect.
 I think next year he'll be asking me about his birthday party several months in advance.

The kids got "gas cans, oil, or fuel" to keep their engines running

We had to invite these two to the party, of course. They greeted our guests at the front door.

The kids really liked the bean bag toss into the tires

They also got to cheer each other on with checkered flags as they took turns being pit crew

Pin the headlight on McQueen was a little confusing for him.
He couldn't figure out why I  wanted him to keep the blindfold on while he tried to put the headlight in place.

These didn't last very long once they were handed out-
who could blame them?!


  1. Man I love that kid!!! I would keep him for myself if you didn't love him so much. And yeah for blog updates, Lance should be in blog update heaven.

  2. Soooo cute! I love all of the different things you had going on that were all themed. So much fun!

  3. So cute Rach!! I might have to hire you to do our kid's birthday parties! Looks like he had a blast! Love and miss you all...
