Sunday, June 12, 2011

On The Mend

We had our first emergency room visit a couple weeks ago, and I wouldn't recommend it! Although it could have been worse, and more serious, it still was a little frightening and tugged at my heart strings. Cade got a little too close, a little too quick, to Grandma and Grandpa's dog, and he snapped at his lip. After we got Cade into the car and calmed down a little bit, with a paper towel and bag of frozen peas on his lip, he was quite the trooper. The nurses kept saying how good he was and grandpa's iPod was a life saver. As long as he had "Angry Birds" to play, he was just fine. Brett was on a trip, but thank heavens for phones. We decided to have him put under anesthesia to receive the stitches and bless his heart, he handled everything like a champ. (Sorry the pics are a little grainy, they're from my phone.)
After getting into his Looney Tunes hospital gown,
and waiting to be seen.

Choosing a sticker

Playing the iPad

Getting stitches (6 in all)

This is while we were waiting for the anesthesia wear off. He looked around the room for a little while, then his lips slowly formed the shape of an "O." His eyes got big and wide, and he slowly said, "Whoooooa!" The nurse, Grandpa, and I started laughing - he couldn't have summarized the night more perfectly!

1 comment:

  1. I still feel bad, but I am glad it healed so well. And thank goodness for technology!
