Monday, February 7, 2011


I was just in the laundry room with Cade, taking a load of sheets and towels out of the dryer. I said, "Ok, lets go put the sheets on the bed!" He excitedly ran with me to the stairs, repeating what I had said all the way up (or so I thought). When we reached the top, he quickly ran over to his animal puzzle that he had been playing with earlier, picked up one of the pieces, and ran into our room. As I walked in and put the laundry basket on the floor, he placed the puzzle piece on the bed, and with a big smile on his face said, "Sheep on bed!" Sure enough, the puzzle piece was a sheep. Never underestimate the mind, and willingness to help, of a two-year old!


  1. That is so cute. He is such a doll. Every time I see him at church he makes me smile.

  2. hahaha! That is so funny. I love it!

  3. That is TOO CUTE!!! :)

    When do you find out what you are having!?

  4. Thanks for the good laugh! He is a smarty-pants, just don't let him know he is that smart.

  5. I LOVE It!! That is completely adorable friend.

  6. Hey, did you guys find out what your having yet? I have been anxiously waiting hear! I hope that is all well with you and the baby.
