Sunday, June 28, 2009

Trip to Utah - Part 1

Brett left for Citation X (a fancy jet) trianing on June 7th for 3 WEEKS! So Cade and I headed to Utah! We ran errands, helped with wedding plans and yard work (Cambria gets married July 31st), visited as many friends and family as we could, and loved every minute of it! (Well, Cade and I, not Brett) It was hard to be apart for so long, but we tried to take pictures of everything we did so that Dad didn't miss any "growing up moments!" I took over 200 pictures, so I'll feature as many as I can over the next few weeks! (The first picture is of the type of plane Brett learned to fly.) It was so good to see so many of you, and we miss you already!

Getting a new toy from Grandma.
Saying "Hi" to Grandpa after choir practice.

Meeting his new (and only) cousin Kent!

"Sooo, when's he 'gonna wake up so we can play?"


  1. Oh I can't wait to see the other 195 pictures when I come home. Too bad you can't post them all on here. We will miss Cade coming and swimming with us, but I know Grandma will love you guys being back home. We will seeyou soon.

  2. Sure you visit everybody else except for me. I am feeling left out. I am glad to see you had a good time. I am also glad to hear that Brett passed the Checkride and is typed in the X.
    Lifferth's from Kentucky, hopefully S.C.
